Greatness, from both.

Greatness, from both.

Monday, May 5, 2014


Often in life, we are covered with fear and guilt. Fear of losing our loved ones, fear of losing money, fear of losing our jobs and so on. The fear we faced will eventually build up some kind of guilt. Some kind of feeling in which we dreamed to achieve something yet we couldn't, and many of us choose to give up when it comes to the hardest part of life - to make choices.

When it comes to reality, there is always something that keep us from stepping ahead, be it any kind of valid reasons, there are just too many reasons for us to give up. Once a friend of mine said this,"It's not how much knowledge you accumulated, it's about the guts you got."

Yeah. It's true.

My dad could be the best example in life, someone that had been pushed by the ups and downs of this cruel reality. What he need is just that little "guts" to change, but that's just what he lacked off.

3 years had gone since his admission to a local private specialist hospital because of artery damage which almost costed his life and my family's future. Thank God he survived, but months later after his recoveries are done, things changed. I felt my dad had lost his only hope in life. He used to be a site-engineer, someone who watches over a construction project. After the surgery, he was left with a pair of blurred sights and a body that couldn't hold for long time exposure to heat and mental pressures. And that made him lost his career. He had lost what he treasured most in his life - his job, because that was the only source of income we could rely on. From what I had seen, I felt that emptiness deep inside his soul. There was the cold and shivers inside him. He rejected any social activities that would need just that little "guts" to take part. What he did was watching televisions all day long, eat, sleep, repeat.

Although my mom tried hard to persuade him to start all over again, he rejected and choose to stay and remain what he was, which he could never turned back to.

And yeah, that's how things had gone. I was too young to have the power to change.

We might have heard many stories of successful individuals, and those who came out to be so much different and success after their life's biggest fall. We might also heard of stories regarding geniuses or prodigies that never claimed their life's trophy and ended up in slumps of life, getting trapped in the Rat Race or whatever vicious cycle that caged us in the usual, boring and repetitive life.

There was once I heard of the story of a cricket which was trapped in a bottle, and of course, capped. The cricket was supposed to have the ability to jump higher to get itself out of the bottle, and yes, it tried. But over and over again, it just kept on hitting the aluminium cap. After three days had gone, the cricket never jump again. The person who caught that cricket then opened up the cap and found out a very surprising observation - the cricket never jump, and when it does, it never jump higher than the bottle, which it could.

We all have wings and will to fly. It just happen that we already been injected some kind of "fear" that prevent us from flying, "guilt" that trapped us in our own cage, which I call the "other people's reality".

Just like the cricket, it had been injected the "fear" of never able to jump out of the bottle. Even it tried, the "guilt" strikes in which the cricket is doubting itself. Like humans, we are long been told that we should play safe in our life and never take risks. And when we fail on something, it means we just happen to become better at what they want to be. Life is never a bed of roses. We need to work and sweat to make the crucial change in our life.

It's all about guts, the courage that we need to face our fear and guilt. The courage which everyone needs just to step ahead and chase their dreams.


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